
Meccanica Ponte Chiese
is an important company with 40 years-experience in the field of precision machining.


From 1978 our company makes precision mechanical workings for the removal of shavings of middle and large sized cast iron, aluminium and steel. Our activity is particularly addressed to textile field, to the moving-ground field, off-highway, naval field, Industrial field, printing machine and wind. Thanks to the constant commitment of the whole organization, Meccanica Ponte Chiese satisfies all the quality requirements imposed by customers, guaranteeing quality, reliability and product safety through continuous staff training and careful planning.

The name of a company is the big hat under which, men and women of different personalities and with various levels of skills, work together to achive common goals, well-being and happiness.
On the occasion of the 45th year of activity, we want to thank you all those people who have been by our side over the years and have contributed to the continuous growth of the company. Those who stayed only a few minutes, those who contributed for years, those who are still present. Company are made up of people, machines are just a means by which to reach the goal.


The constant attention to customer needs is the basis of our future vision, to satisfy it better and faster we are inspired by the principles of legality, loyalty and fairness, increasing the awareness of all staff on their contribution to the quality system and safety of the product.